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This package is not suitable for beginners in the bodybuilding field as it is powerful and expensive. It is only suitable for beginners who want to get an idea of what the muscle growth and strength can do for you and not for just beginners to power clean or squat. Some parts of the book might be a little over the top for some who are used to the bodybuilding form, some might not be practical for beginners in the bodybuilding field, etc. I just thought I should share these so that you can decide for yourself. The book has an advanced section and some information about hypertrophy and strength training. It even has some tips to help you improve your physique for competitions. The book is definitely worth considering for the advanced bodybuilding and strength training beginners out there. I have received the book several times and it can be downloaded anywhere you want, but I recommend it for people with a very low-cost budget. I have got it for less than ten bucks for the book (though it is still not cheap). It is well worth the money.

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