Why do you need to get a CBC blood test done?

A complete blood test at pathology labs in Jalandhar counts the cells that make up your blood. It includes red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Your doctor may order CBC as a part of the routine check-up to do the following. 

  • It checks for anemia, which is a condition that causes you to have lower red blood cells than usual.
  • Find out if you have a health issue or explain symptoms like fever, weakness, bruising, and feeling tired.
  • Test at pathology labs in Jalandhar Keeps an eye on the blood condition.
  • See how medication, medical conditions, and treatments like chemotherapy affect your blood.


How does a CBC blood test get done?

If the CBC is the only blood test you are having, you can drink and eat foods like usual. Your part of the blood work is simple, and it takes just a few minutes. A lab technician or nurse will take a sample of blood by putting a needle in the vein of your arm. Afterward, you can leave and get back to your normal routine. They will send the blood sample to the lab for review. 


What does a CBC measure? 

The test at pathology labs in Jalandhar can tell the doctor a lot about your overall health. It measures the following.

  • White blood cells: These help your body fight germs. If your blood consists of too many of them, it could be a sign of inflammation. You may have an infection or medical reaction. If it is low, you may have a higher risk of infection.
  • Red blood cells: These deliver oxygen throughout your body. It also helps carry carbon dioxide. If the RBC count is too low, you may have anemia or other health conditions.
  • Hemoglobin: It is the protein in the blood that carries oxygen. 
  • Haematocrit: It tells how much of your blood is made of red blood cells. A low score at pathology labs in Jalandhar may be a sign that you don’t have enough iron. A high score can mean that you are hydrated or have any other condition. 
  • Mean corpuscular value: It is the average size of red blood cells. If it is bigger than usual, your MCV can be higher. You may have low vitamin B12. 

What do CBC test results show?

When you get your report, you will find two columns in it. If your results are within the reference range, they will get considered normal. If your results are lower or higher than the reference range, it is not normal. Mild anemia is one of the reasons for having CBC test results in the normal range. Each lab has different ways to study your blood. The reference range will depend on the lab that manages your blood work. It also relies on things that can affect your blood like age and gender.

Do you want to learn what else the CBC blood test tells you? For CBC test costs in Jalandhar, reach us today. 

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