fish exporter

Top 10 fish exporter country of 2023

Fish Export Data of 2023

The scene of fish exports has seen a consistent ascent in costs throughout the long term, reflecting the worldwide exchange’s development. With regards to 2023, explicit nations have arisen as urgent players in this industry, adding significant worth to the market. Fish, alongside other marine animals like scavangers, mollusks, and fish, are sorted under HS code Part 03. Live fish, meant by HS code 0301, hold impressive significance in this area. The worldwide fish and fish market arrived at a noteworthy worth of roughly $236.61 billion in 2023, with the top 10 fish-exporting nations contributing around $54.21 billion to this figure. Factors like increasing interest for fish, headways in fishing infrastructure, and international economic accords have been key drivers of this development. How about we dive further into the statistics of fish exports and investigate the top 10 fish exporters in detail for the year 2023. :- Fish Exporter

Top 10 Fish-Exporting Nations in 2023

The worldwide fish export area addresses a significant financial domain within the fish industry. In 2023, Norway arose as the top fish exporter, surpassing China, with exports esteemed at almost $15 billion. The top 10 nations exporting fish in 2023 are:

1. Norway ($15.15 billion):

Eminent for its top notch fish, for example, cod and salmon, Norway drove the fish export industry in 2023 with exports totaling $15.15 billion. Poland was the essential destination for Norway’s fish exports, accounting for $1.73 billion in 2023.

2. China ($10.40 billion):

China’s fish export industry experienced significant development, reaching $10.40 billion in 2023. The country’s different scope of fish items took care of international business sectors, with Japan being its biggest export accomplice at $1.64 billion.

3. Chile ($7.05 billion):

As a central part in the worldwide fish market, Chile exported fish worth $7.05 billion in 2023, with the US being its top export market at $2.86 billion.

4. Canada ($4.87 billion):

Canada’s fish exports, including salmon, crab, and lobster, added up to $4.87 billion in 2023. The US was the biggest export destination for Canadian fish, with exports reaching $3.14 billion.

5. USA ($4.47 billion):

The US assumed a significant part in the fish export industry, exporting fish worth $4.47 billion in 2023. Canada was the essential market for US fish exports, accounting for $1.06 billion.

6. Spain ($4.23 billion):

Spain’s fish exports added up to $4.23 billion in 2023, with Italy being its top export destination at $1.34 billion.

7. Indonesia ($3.51 billion):

Indonesia’s fish export industry saw consistent development, with an emphasis on items like shrimp and fish. Indonesia positioned 6th among fish exporters in 2023, with exports esteemed at $3.51 billion. China was the main export accomplice for Indonesia, with exports worth $804.79 million.

8. UK ($1.55 billion):

The Unified Kingdom stood firm on a significant footing in the fish export market, exporting fish esteemed at $1.55 billion in 2023. France was the leading export destination for UK fish, accounting for $913.04 million in exports.

9. Turkey ($1.52 billion):

Turkey’s fish exports came to $1.52 billion in 2023, with Russia being its essential export destination at $323.3 million.

10. France ($1.46 billion):

France, known for its excellent fish items, exported fish worth $1.46 billion in 2023. Spain was the top export market for French fish, with exports totaling $392.54 million.

Top Fish Exporting Organizations in 2023

A few organizations contributed significantly to the worldwide fish export market in 2023, showcasing their mastery and market dominance. The top fish-exporting organizations, in view of their export earnings in 2023, include:

1. Mitsubishi Organization: Leading the load with $146.17 billion in fish exports.
2. Sysco Organization (NYSE: SYY): With fish exports esteemed at $76.32 billion.
3. Marubeni Organization: Contributing $62.44 billion to the fish export market.
4. Charoen Pokphand Food varieties: A key part with fish exports worth $17.23 billion.
5. Maruha Nichiro Organization: Exporting fish items esteemed at $6.93 billion.
6. Nissui Organization: With fish exports reaching $5.21 billion.
7. Schouow and Co.: Contributing $4.77 billion to the fish export area.
8. Thai Association Gathering Public Organization Restricted: Exporting fish items worth $4.36 billion.
9. Agrosuper S.A.: A significant player with fish exports esteemed at $4.1 billion.
10. Bolton Gathering SRL: Contributing $3.04 billion to the worldwide fish export market.

Significant Fish Export Categories in 2023

The assortment of fish items exported in 2023 exhibited the industry’s variety and worldwide interest. Some prominent fish categories included:

– Salmon: Continues to be a well known export decision, with nations like Canada, Chile, and Norway leading in salmon creation and exports.
– Fish: Known for its flavorful taste, fish exports were significant from nations like Indonesia, Spain, and the USA.
– Shrimp: With Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia dominating the market, shrimp exports were supposed to rise significantly in 2023.
– Cod: Significant makers like Norway and Iceland continued to lead in cod exports, reflecting ongoing interest for this adaptable fish.
– Lobster: Notwithstanding challenges, lobster exports remained worthwhile, with central members including the US and Canada.

Finding Dependable Fish Providers Online

Finding excellent fish providers at serious costs can challenge. Stages like TradeImeX offer a dependable asset for connecting with phenomenal fish providers for your business needs. TradeImeX gives an extensive variety of fish providers who can meet explicit necessities and guarantee a consistent sourcing process. By utilizing TradeImeX, you can interface with respectable providers known for their mastery and quality items, making it a favored stage for establishing lasting connections in the fish industry.


All in all, the worldwide fish export industry in 2023 showed versatility and innovation, with prominent exporters like China, Chile, and Norway leading the way. Adapting to changing business sector elements and seizing emerging open doors will be vital for fish exporters to remain serious in this unique area. The data and insights from 2023 give significant information to policymakers and partners to settle on informed choices and advance sustainable development in the fish export area. With a different scope of fish items being exported around the world, the eventual fate of the worldwide fish export business seems promising.

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