The 5 Healthiest Vegetables You Can Eat, According to Top Nutritionists

Asking a top nutritionist to choose their favorite (or what they view as “the healthiest”) vegetables kind of feels like making them choose a favorite child. Us? Not so much. Alas, anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock since their initiation on planet Earth knows a diet rich in vegetables—preferably of all colors, sizes, and types—is essential for everything from hair and bone health to immunity and weight loss. And quite honestly, vegetables and all other superfoods have been having a long-awaited moment in the limelight the past few years.

1. Dulse

Loaded with important, nourishing ingredients like iron (for healthy blood flow!) and vitamins B6, B12, E, and A, celebrity nutritionist and author of Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life Kimberly Snyder, CN, names the vegetable as one of the absolute healthiest to fortify your diet with.

“Dulse is one of my favorite daily staples, and it is absolutely delicious to eat in its whole-leaf form,” she tells us. “It’s low in sodium but possesses a naturally salty taste, so it’s an excellent replacement for salt in salads and other recipes. I like to enjoy dulse when I am traveling, as it’s dry and packs well.”

2. Romaine

“Romaine lettuce has always been a favorite green of mine,” says Snyder. “It’s terrifically rich in nutrients and shouldn’t be confused with iceberg lettuce, which is virtually devoid of any nutrients.”

According to Snyder, romaine is loaded with fiber, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, which all work cohesively to help prevent cholesterol from oxidizing and in turn preventing plaque from forming along our artery walls. For easy serving, she suggests throwing a handful in your favorite healthy smoothie recipe.

3. Sweet Potatoes

If you’re looking for a delicious (and still healthy!) starchy vegetable to add to your diet, Snyder highly recommends sweet potatoes, which contain free radical–curbing vitamins like A and C, in addition to carotenoids and beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Additionally, she adds, sweet potatoes may also help protect against cancer, heart disease, and other inflammation-related health issues.

“Sweet potatoes are so simple to enjoy! Just pop them in the oven at 425ºF for 40 minutes, and you are all set! You can sprinkle on some salt if you’re craving something savory, or even a little cinnamon if you want to satisfy a sweet tooth.”

4. Red Bell Peppers

According Franceschini, bell peppers, specifically the red variety, are one of the healthiest and most underrated sources of vitamin C you can nosh on.

“We typically think of citrus fruit when we think of vitamin C, but bell peppers take the leap in this area with 153 milligrams of vitamin C per serving. That’s over 200% of the daily value!” she exclaims. “Additionally, this vegetable is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin B6, folate, fiber, vitamin K, niacin, and thiamine.”

5. Spinach

“Two cups of spinach total to just 14 calories of packed nutrition, including vitamin A, vitamin C, and other powerful nutrients you need to activate your metabolism,” shares Annessa Chumbley, RD.

“Spinach also boasts specific antioxidants that aid in eye health. I recommend my clients include two cups a day for extra energy and to help aid weight loss. I love mixing spinach with Premier Protein 100% Whey Powder so I can keep my protein and veggie count high and my sugar intake low,” she says.

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