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A beginner cycle using Dianabol will rely on this steroid for muscle and strength gains and also include testosterone compound to provide the much needed testosterone support and to keep testosterone levels on track. A beginner Dianabol cycle can be as simple as the following, while then adding the desired amount of testosterone into the remaining weeks of the cycle. Week 1-12 ‘ 500 mg per week Testosterone Enanthate, 0. Users of this level might run Dianabol for a longer period at the start of a steroid cycle and at a higher dosage, while combining it with testosterone and potentially other steroids as well. Week 1-16 ‘ 750mg per week Sustanon 250, 0. An advanced Dbol cycle makes use of a higher dosage of Dianabol while combining with at least one other powerful steroid such as Trenbolone or Deca-Durabolin. Week 1-12 ‘ 1000mg/week Testosterone Enanthate Week 1-10 ‘ 600mg/week Deca-Durabolin Week 1-6 ‘ 50mg/ed Dianabol Week 11-16 ‘ 50mg/eod Trenbolone Acetate Week 13-16 ‘ 200mg/eod Testosterone Propionate Week 1-16 ‘ 4iu/ed HGH; 0. The Dbol cycle below is not something I can recommend in the name of safety. Doses of this nature are extremely dangerous, as they severally open the door to adverse effects. Week 1-16 ‘ 1000mg/week Testosterone Cypionate Week 1-8 ‘ 600mg/week Deca-Durabolin Week 1-6 ‘ 50mg/ed Dianabol Week 9-16 ‘ 600mg/week Equipoise Week 13-18 ‘ 50mg/ed Dianabol Week 17-24 ‘ 200mg/eod Testosterone Propionate, 100mg/ed Trenbolone Acetate Week 1-24 ‘ 5iu/ed HGH, 1mg/eod Arimidex. Dianabol Results: What Will I Gain? Dianabol is capable of delivering quick and impressive results. Within just a few weeks it’s possible to gain up to 20 pounds of muscle mass. That level is thought to be at the highest end of the spectrum. With muscle gains of between 10-15 pounds being very impressive during this relatively short period of time, water retention needs to be taken into account here, with your true gains potentially not being seen until you’ve knocked out any water retention after the cycle or during PCT. But your results will differ from the next guy based on many factors: diet, your workout regime, genetics and body type, and of course what if any other steroids you’re using along with Dianabol (Dbol). These are the big gains you can expect when using Dianabol: Fast and huge gains in muscle mass Immense strength gains Faster recovery Enhanced endurance. Along with increased muscle mass, a massive boost in strength can be expected. Although strength gains aren’t often the first thing we think about, Dianabol is still considered to be one of the best steroids for strength gains available and this contributes tremendously to your results thanks to the added ability to go harder in the gym. Dianabol Post Cycle Therapy, buy ultima-stan 10 mg oral steroids oral winstrol. The SERM’s Nolvadex and Clomid, plus HCG is a recommended post cycle therapy following a cycle containing Dianabol. Using these drugs help your body to restore natural testosterone production (function) quicker than if no PCT was undertaken, so you can avoid the symptoms of low testosterone following a cycle. Since a DBol cycle also includes at least one other steroid, PCT protocol is not specific to Dianabol itself and will also depend on the other compounds you’re using and how powerful their androgenic effects are. The goal of PCT is to boost natural testosterone production and although PCT alone does not raise your testosterone back to its normal level, it provides a base which then allows the body to slowly build back up to a normal production of this critical male hormone. All in all, it can take several months to get your testosterone back to its natural level after a Dianabol and other steroids cycle.
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