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Scrolling To Success: Social Media’s Influence On Learning

Students in today’s world depend heavily on plenty of social media. There are a wide range of benefits to utilizing these platforms. These are becoming capable of staying in touch with loved ones, learning new things, and as well interacting with people all over the globe. But then there are issues that students’ academic performance might suffer as a result of the fame of social media. Therefore, in this article, we are going to examine how students’ use of these platforms may affect their performance in the classroom.  Also, we offer guidance on what way they can find a happy medium between their online activities and as well their schoolwork.

1. Distraction & Time Management

Time management and distractions are two key problems that may arise while using social platforms. So, a student who devotes plenty of their time using these platforms might struggle with time management and become less creative in the classroom. Students easily get dreamy from their studies through endless alertness, infinite scrolling feeds, and as well the charm of viral material.


The perfect solution for this is to educate students on what way they can handle their time management. As a result, they devote plenty of their time to studies and less to social media.

2. Decrease Focus

Students’ skills to focus and retain attention on hard academic tasks might be in a weak position because of the fast pleasure offered by social media. Also, student’s lack of ability to focus and recall info is exacerbated once they every so often return and forth among usage of these platforms and as well tasks.


Students need to advocate for time management schemes such as the Pomodoro technique. As per this tactic, they need to spend at least 25 hours of study each day and need to take a break for at least 5 minutes. Thus if you are a parent then you need to motivate your kids to silence their phones or switch them off if you want to succeed them in the future. These are vital things you must do for your kids.

3. Comparison & Pride Problems

The concise and perfect pictures of other lives shown on social media platforms may lead to feelings of shortfall and as well lower pride among young people. So plenty of students may encounter surplus stress and can be diverted from their own academic goals. If they compare themselves to their classmates, they see social media stages. On the contrary, if you need any kind of help to create an essay or task in the holy month of Ramadan.

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The perfect solution to this is to increase students’ confidence and encourage them to focus on their growth. Also, tell them to follow accounts that would lift them and inspire them instead of making them feel poorer than others.

4. Cyberbullying & Mental Health

Students’ mental health might be harshly affected by cyberbullying. And as well as other kinds of bad online engagement that prosper in online communities. As a result, incidents of cyberbullying may result in decreased grades, and increased worry and as well anxiety.


The solution here is to educate students on what ways they can ignore cyberbullying and in what way they report it if they come across it. Also, you need to motivate your kids who have suffered from social media bullying. Or talk to an adult they trust or utilize an expert advising facility.

5. Access To Educational Resources

On the other hand, social media is a diversion for kids. But then it also offers them with chances to a wide range of access to educational resources. And as well as engage with educational material. Students who have access to extra learning experience due to the extensive utilization of social media platforms. Where plenty of institutes, teachers, and academics provide useful materials and opinions.


The solution is to have students actively take part in learning info on social media. With the help of reliable educational accounts. Thus in this tactic, they will be able to create the most of their social media tutorial ability. But still keeping their use under control.

6. Team & Networking

Students might attach with other students. They also boost their social networks and they also share their expertise with the help of social media. So, students might benefit from connecting with their peers and exchanging ideas. And also increase their knowledge by using online platforms such as forums discussions and as well study groups.


You need to motivate students to join academic useful groups and play a part in academic chats. Also, they need to work together with their peers to create tasks and essays.

Benefits Of Social Media For Student’s Life:

Below are the few benefits of using social media in a student’s life

  • Connect with friends and remain tough with people
  • Stay beside with present events and news
  • Share their knowledge with a bigger audience
  • Take part in online communities and groups
  • Promote your work and as well projects

The effect of social media in the life of a student’s skill to focus on their studies is a source of debate. Even though social media might be a source of distraction and as well difficulty. But then it also introduces tons of work chances, educates students, and as well helps them create plenty of links.  In the end, if you still have any issues then you need to talk to the expert and they will surely assist you.

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