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It’s recommended that men never surpass a 140 mcg per day limit, and women never surpass a 100 mcg per day limit, . As a beginner, you would structure an isolated cycle of this nature as follows: Day Clenbuterol 1 – 3 20 mcg per day (5 mcg increments for a female) 4 – 7 30 mcg per day 8 – 11 40 mcg per day 12 – 14 50 mcg per day. As an intermediate level user, you would structure a two week rotation as follows: Day Clenbuterol 1 – 3 20 mcg per day (10 mcg increments for a female) 4 – 7 40 mcg per day 8 – 11 60 mcg per day 12 – 14 80 mcg per day. And finally as an advanced level user, you would structure a two-week rotation as follows: Day Clenbuterol 1 – 3 40 mcg per day (20 mcg increments for a female) 4 – 7 70 mcg per day 8 – 11 100 mcg per day 12 – 14 130 mcg per day. Continuous Use In Between User Advanced Users Intermediate Level Bodybuilders Advanced Level Bodybuilders.

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