The Evolution of Email Marketing, Trends and Practices

When we talk about digital marketing agencies, there are a lot of marketing tactics that are being used by a digital marketing agency Dubai to promote brands and companies. Whether it is social media marketing, content marketing, video marketing, website marketing, influencer marketing, or email marketing, every marketing tactic brings something results to the table. It is paramount for companies to have a thorough discussion with their in-house team before approaching a marketing agency. A company must know what kind of services they are looking for and what platforms they wish to utilize for their brand’s promotion. 


Email marketing was one of the few marketing tactics that were introduced in the beginning. The whole purpose of email marketing is to promote the products and services of a company along with utilizing the platform to inform the users about new launches, sales, and meet-ups. Marketing agencies will use email marketing database Dubai to engage their customers with their favorite brand virtually. Let’s discuss some of the new trends of email marketing that have revolutionized this tactic of digital marketing. 


  • Focus on data protection 
  • Niche content 
  • Gamification 
  • Feedback surveys 

Focus On Data Protection: 

Not many people like email addresses and phone numbers being shared with unknown companies. There are a lot of times when companies circulate their user’s emails to other companies, making the user’s email address filled with spam. As a business, it is your responsibility to protect your users’ sensitive information. You need to give your user’s an option to unsubscribe and make changes to their email preferences. That will help you build trust and credibility. 

Niche Content: 

Always stay relevant and keep your audience engaged. You need to structure your emails according to your services. Do not provide any irrelevant information to your users as this will drive them away from your brand. Share newsletters with them regarding your services and create engaging content for your emails. Make sure your emails are able to catch a user’s attention. 


It is not possible that today’s generation does not like games. You can use email marketing to engage your customers with games and rewards and you can tell them how they have a chance to earn rewards or free prizes if they shop from the link provided in their emails. This will increase your website traffic and also it will satisfy your customers, as they will have a chance to win a feature for free that is usually paid. 

Feedback Surveys: 

There is no doubt that a customer’s feedback is valuable and it can help you shape your services for the future. However when a customer shops from you, you can send them feedback surveys, letting them know that their valuable feedback is important to help company maintain their quality and services and it can help future customers as well. 


These are some latest trends of email marketing that have completely revolutionized the digital marketing agency. You can contact the best digital marketing company and ask for their email marketing services, this will help you tailor an email marketing campaign according to your business needs. 

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